Are you MAD enough, huh...? Bring it on.....!

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FYP II Briefing Documents

Dear Students,

Welcome back. I hope that you all are up and running to get this done before the semester ends.

FYI, as informed during the briefing, there are some slight changes in the FYP II flow for this semester.

Remember whatever u do, BY WEEK 13, all of you must submit your endorsed final year project report to the respected examiners. Your FYP II presentation will be held in WEEK 15. Put this into your head!!!!

No more hook or crook you must get things done IMMEDIATELY

As promised, please download these files and print them out. Korang sure tak baca kalau guna komputer nihh..

FYP Briefing Slides - Ada penerangan ttg flow kerja mengikut kluster projek ( experiment/simulasi/design)

Thesis Wrinting- Penerangan ttg apa sepatutnya kamu tulis...cuba cari tesis dari universiti lain. jgn asyik belek kerja senior...dieorg tu ikut mazhab yg mungkin songsang skit...wallahualam

Format tesis UPNM- haa tulis ikut formatting dan gaya seperti mana termaktub dalam kitab ni

Remember the battle is not yet over....